Jag tror mitt hjärta blöder
"Jag följer med dig hem ikväll för jag vill inte vara själv"
Sometimes I regret my decision of this being a blog written in English, because there are some things that can only be explained in Swedish. But since I don't have that many readers I guess it doesn't matter. I'll write most blogs in English and some in Swedish, and that's just something you have to deal with.
I opened my heart to Veronica Maggio when I was about 13 years old. My mom turned up the volume on the stereo in our car and said: "This is your song, you're never pleased with what's been given to you!", and then she smiled. That was the song "Nöjd?". Later, when I was 15 years old, I played the song "Måndagsbarn" over and over again. But my heart heart really melted the summer of 2011, when "Jag kommer" and "Välkommen in" was frequently played at the radio stations. Then I started to listen to all of her previous albums. And when the song "Satan i gatan" became a hit, I could relate to it in an instant.
But right now my heart is bleedning. It's a bittersweet feeling that I just have to feel, because now I know that I shouldn't put up with all the bullshit that is being given to me. I deserve better, honestly. But hey...no hard feelings.
"Letar mig ut
Blinkande ljus
Andas, andas allting snurrar runt"
Sometimes I regret my decision of this being a blog written in English, because there are some things that can only be explained in Swedish. But since I don't have that many readers I guess it doesn't matter. I'll write most blogs in English and some in Swedish, and that's just something you have to deal with.
I opened my heart to Veronica Maggio when I was about 13 years old. My mom turned up the volume on the stereo in our car and said: "This is your song, you're never pleased with what's been given to you!", and then she smiled. That was the song "Nöjd?". Later, when I was 15 years old, I played the song "Måndagsbarn" over and over again. But my heart heart really melted the summer of 2011, when "Jag kommer" and "Välkommen in" was frequently played at the radio stations. Then I started to listen to all of her previous albums. And when the song "Satan i gatan" became a hit, I could relate to it in an instant.
But right now my heart is bleedning. It's a bittersweet feeling that I just have to feel, because now I know that I shouldn't put up with all the bullshit that is being given to me. I deserve better, honestly. But hey...no hard feelings.
"Letar mig ut
Blinkande ljus
Andas, andas allting snurrar runt"