Picking up the pieces just like I've done so many times before

Sometimes I feel so stupid. Why do I always have to be so straightforward? I really wish I hadn't given a certain somebody my phone number because I should have known that he wasn't going to use it. Awkward and stupid. And so I left some pieces of myself behind, but this morning, another certain somebody made me go back and pick up those pieces. I knew I had to do it sooner or later, but I thought I would do it on my own initiative. This time though, I felt forced to do it by an unknown power from deep within me, of from this certain somebody. I don't know. If this is what the word "Hi" does to me, imagine what three little words will do. Still, I'm starting to think that those words are some kind of a myth, or maybe something that isn't meant for me.

 Pic from weheartit.com

Postat av: Emma

Åh, vi är så lika du och jag

2012-01-27 @ 15:34:27
URL: http://ellerjo.blogg.se/

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