Picking up the pieces just like I've done so many times before
Sometimes I feel so stupid. Why do I always have to be so straightforward? I really wish I hadn't given a certain somebody my phone number because I should have known that he wasn't going to use it. Awkward and stupid. And so I left some pieces of myself behind, but this morning, another certain somebody made me go back and pick up those pieces. I knew I had to do it sooner or later, but I thought I would do it on my own initiative. This time though, I felt forced to do it by an unknown power from deep within me, of from this certain somebody. I don't know. If this is what the word "Hi" does to me, imagine what three little words will do. Still, I'm starting to think that those words are some kind of a myth, or maybe something that isn't meant for me.
Pic from weheartit.com

Jag tror mitt hjärta blöder
"Jag följer med dig hem ikväll för jag vill inte vara själv"
Sometimes I regret my decision of this being a blog written in English, because there are some things that can only be explained in Swedish. But since I don't have that many readers I guess it doesn't matter. I'll write most blogs in English and some in Swedish, and that's just something you have to deal with.
I opened my heart to Veronica Maggio when I was about 13 years old. My mom turned up the volume on the stereo in our car and said: "This is your song, you're never pleased with what's been given to you!", and then she smiled. That was the song "Nöjd?". Later, when I was 15 years old, I played the song "Måndagsbarn" over and over again. But my heart heart really melted the summer of 2011, when "Jag kommer" and "Välkommen in" was frequently played at the radio stations. Then I started to listen to all of her previous albums. And when the song "Satan i gatan" became a hit, I could relate to it in an instant.
But right now my heart is bleedning. It's a bittersweet feeling that I just have to feel, because now I know that I shouldn't put up with all the bullshit that is being given to me. I deserve better, honestly. But hey...no hard feelings.
"Letar mig ut
Blinkande ljus
Andas, andas allting snurrar runt"
Sometimes I regret my decision of this being a blog written in English, because there are some things that can only be explained in Swedish. But since I don't have that many readers I guess it doesn't matter. I'll write most blogs in English and some in Swedish, and that's just something you have to deal with.
I opened my heart to Veronica Maggio when I was about 13 years old. My mom turned up the volume on the stereo in our car and said: "This is your song, you're never pleased with what's been given to you!", and then she smiled. That was the song "Nöjd?". Later, when I was 15 years old, I played the song "Måndagsbarn" over and over again. But my heart heart really melted the summer of 2011, when "Jag kommer" and "Välkommen in" was frequently played at the radio stations. Then I started to listen to all of her previous albums. And when the song "Satan i gatan" became a hit, I could relate to it in an instant.
But right now my heart is bleedning. It's a bittersweet feeling that I just have to feel, because now I know that I shouldn't put up with all the bullshit that is being given to me. I deserve better, honestly. But hey...no hard feelings.
"Letar mig ut
Blinkande ljus
Andas, andas allting snurrar runt"
"You must be the mermaid who took Neptune for a ride"

I gave my heart to Rock 'n' Roll
The Sounds sounds pretty good. The song below is stuck in my head and I've got a nasty headache called Rock 'n' Roll. Not that I'm complaining about it. It's the opposite, actually, I like it. That's why you should listen to it. Go ahead and listen to it, now.
Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
I don't know why but somehow my interest for the Beatles has grown, maybe it's because I saw a documentary about John Lennon two weeks ago, or maybe it's because their songs are like poetry written by hopeless romantics. Well, I like it! A lot actually, because I'll be listening to "Here comes the sun" when the first signs of spring shows up on my doorstep. I'll listen to "Let it be" when I think of something that cannot be changed. And "Penny Lane" will play in my mind everytime I return to my hometown in the future. Because although I want to travel and see the world, I'll always remember and love my hometown.
Picture from Allposters.se

Maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me
I like Oasis. Too bad the band broke up. Right now I'm trying to learn how to play Wonderwall on my guitar, I don't think it'll be that hard. The songs made by Oasis gives me a retro feeling, they'd fit better in the 60's, but somehow they made it in the 90's and early 00's. Maybe there is hope out there, somewhere.
Picture: lastfm.com

Because the night belongs to lovers
Patti Smith. Patti Smith. I've bought her book "Just Kids" but I haven't started reading it yet. But I will. Very soon. Sometimes when I've got nothing better to do, I find myself searching for artistic, creative and beautiful pictures on Google. And I often write the names of people who were big in the 60's, 70's and 80's. I don't know how many times I've typed "Patti Smith" in the column, but I know it's enough to call me a fan. A fan of her music, poetry and style. She's a real artist. And I think she's beautiful, for being real.
(Picture: http://iamthechildofthemoon.blogspot.com/)

Wish you were here
It never really occured to me that some of the members (read: the vocalist David Gilmour) of the legendary English rock band Pink Floyd would be as handsome as he used to be. But besides from that, I've had the song "Wish you were here" on my mind the entire day. It's really a great piece of music, and if you haven't heard it already I suggest you do it right away. Of you go! (I really have to learn how to use youtube in my blog)
(From: Google)

Elvis Presley
I just noticed that Elvis Presley would have turned 76 years today if he was still alive. So congrats to The King who in his youth looked too darn good!
Devil in disguise? I think not. But maybe the thousands of girls who pined for him wouldn't agree with me.
The King has left the building.

The King has left the building.
It's a new year and I felt that my blog wasn't really going anywhere, so I've deleted the old blognotes, which where a bit too unhappy for my taste. This blog is going to be more happy, unpersonal (because no one really cares about what I ate for breakfast) and this time I'm going to write in english!
So be prepared for lots of pictures, quotes, music and thoughts. It's going to be LEGEN...wait for it...DARY!
Picture: google.com
So be prepared for lots of pictures, quotes, music and thoughts. It's going to be LEGEN...wait for it...DARY!